Re-advert Design & printing of CP stickers-SHF12530-BL 2.12 GALGADUD.
Supply and delivery of Dry food-SHF 12530-B. L 2.14 GALGADUD SOMALIA.
Design & printing of CP stickers-SHF12530-BL 2.12 GALGADUD SOMALIA.
Construction of model secondary school in SETS schools- B.L 6.1.2
Supply of Dry food-SHF 12530-B. L 2.2 GALGADUD SOMALIA.
Provision of water trucking SHF 12530-B. L 2.3 GALGADUD SOMALIA.
Supply of Sporting materials and equipment (PSS) -SHF 12530
Supply of TLM materials -SHF 12530-B. L 2.1 GALGADUD SOMALIA.
Supply of Dignity Kits -SHF 12530-B.L 2.5. GALGADUD SOMALIA.
Provision of water trucking SHF 11031-B. L 2.6 GALGADUD SOMALIA.