Terms of Reference (ToR)
Consultancy to conduct training on writing Human Interest Stories (HIS), monitor the collection of stories, and produce a publication of collected HIS
Duration: 20 days (over the course of 2 years)
Location: Nakuru and Kakamega counties
CISP (Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli) in Kenya carries out projects in areas of development by supporting national and county authorities to provide quality, equitable, transparent and accountable services in the sectors of higher education, child protection, culture, food security and nutrition. Currently, CISP is the Consortium lead for numerous development projects across multiple Counties and sectors in Kenya.
CISP is leading a consortium of partners to implement a Child Protection project funded by AICS in four sub-Counties in Nakuru and Kakamega Counties. The project is focusing on four components: prevention of child abuse, child participation and empowerment, capacity development and systems strengthening and participatory research.
With the existence of harmful social norms in Kakamega and Nakuru, the project is using innovative methodologies that will influence the community to abandon those negative social norms and take charge in addressing children concerns. Stories of children affected by harmful social norms with a positive end, successful stories of advocacy actions and stories of quality services that have changed the life of children and adolescents will be collected during the project and they will be part of a final publication that will be used to raise awareness and sensitize different target groups on the need to promote positive social norms in the community.
The purpose of this assignment is to train staff and volunteers on collecting and writing Human Interest Stories (HIS) in Kakamega and Nakuru counties and monitor and review the stories collected by the trainees over the course of 2 years of project implementation, and at the end of the project to produce a final publication which consolidates the collected stories.
List of deliverables
Qualifications, experiences
How to apply
Qualified candidates to send their expression of interest to admin@cisp-nairobi.org and CC waduu@cisp-nairobi.org and camozzi@cisp-nairobi.org by 11th November 2020.
All applications should include the following;
The technical proposal should include (I) profile of the Consultant with particular emphasis on previous experience in this kind of work (ii) Clear explanation about how the task will be accomplished, which tools and methodologies will be used (iii) work plan.
The financial proposal should provide cost estimates for services rendered including daily consultancy fees, and excluding: stationeries and supplies needed for the training, transport and accommodation.
Attached to this TOR are the following CISP Policy Documents links for your familiarization.
CISP is strongly committed to ending Child Abuse, all forms of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, and to building a work environment that is safe and welcoming for all, where Sexual Harassment does not take place. The desired candidate for any position should share and support this commitment in all aspects of their personal and professional behaviour. Any history implicating that the applicant has a history of Child Abuse, Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, or Sexual Harassment, is a reason for excluding him or her from employment with CISP.