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Access to Free Healthcare among mothers in Galmudug

Health and Nutrition

September 11, 2024 Galmudug

Hodan resides at Wahar Adde village in Dusmareeb district of Galmudug State of Somalia. As a mother, she had challenges in receiving basic health services before the establishment of Wahar Adde MCH, a health center supported by CISP.

Among other mothers, Hodan couldn’t afford healthcare. They were limited in time and resources. When her children would get sick, they’d have to embark on a long, strenuous journey in search of medical care, leaving behind their families and homes.

She now sees Wahar Adde MCH as a luxury in her village as she receives free health services.

“We enjoy the health services and the location is near to us. These services are available 24 hours every day of the week. We have been privileged to access ante-natal, post-natal care and nutrition services Wahar Adde MCH,”

Hodan and other mothers in Wahar Adde no longer have to travel long distances to seek basic healthcare. Having these services close to home has not only saved their time and money but has also brought peace of mind knowing that they can easily access the care they need.

CISP’s Nutrition Project funded by AICS (Italian Agency for Development and Cooperation) provides equal access to essential quality life-saving, emergency health, and hygiene services for the crisis-affected population in Dhusamareb and Guriel districts with the support and collaboration of the MoH of Galmudug State.

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International Committee for the Development of Peoples