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Advocating for women and girls rights through Community - Led Dialogue


May 18, 2022 South-West Somalia

“I always thought issues related to women cannot be discussed. In our culture, it is a shame to discuss girls/women’s issues because our fathers and grandfathers are the influencers and we should always follow them. After the discussions, I’ve really changed that attitude and I am now eager to discuss and support women/girls’ rights.

I have shared what I learned from the discussions and the whole program with my friends in the university and in the village. I believe that I can make a change in my community through this Communities Care program and become an activist who advocates for women and girls.”

Mohamed Ali Ahmed, 24, is one of the Community Discussion Leaders recruited by SCWRW, a UNICEF Community Care Partner. He lives in the Baidoa town of SouthWest State of Somalia where SCWRW is implementing the #CommunityCare Program.

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International Committee for the Development of Peoples