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Empowering Women and Ensuring Safe Births

Health and Nutrition

May 29, 2024 Galmudug

Amal is a Midwife who lives in Dusmareb, Galmudug State, Somalia. Her profession di lei plays a crucial role in ensuring safe and empowering childbirth experiences for women in Dusmareb and villages in the outskirts. She works at Wahar Adde Clinic supported by CISP's health and Nutrition Projects.

Amal's story is a testament to the transformative power of midwifery in empowering women and ensuring safe births. From a young age, Amal had a deep passion for helping others, particularly women in need. She witnessed the challenges faced by expectant mothers in her community and felt a strong calling to make a difference in their lives.

Driven by her desire to bring about positive change, Amal pursued a career in midwifery. She dedicated herself to acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills to provide compassionate and evidence-based care to women during childbirth, through years of education and practical training.

With targeted training programs and workshops, CISP supported midwives, nurses, and other healthcare workers in Galmudug, equipping them with the necessary tools and knowledge to provide quality care to women and newborns. These capacity-building initiatives focused on various aspects of maternal and child health, including prenatal care, safe delivery practices, emergency obstetric care, and postnatal support.

"As a midwife, I have the privilege of being present during one of life's most transformative moments. Empowering women through childbirth is not only my passion, but a guardian of life."

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International Committee for the Development of Peoples