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CISP hosts employment advisory workshop for youth in Mogadishu


June 22, 2021 Mogadishu

“I used to hear people talking about CVs. I didn’t know what they were and what they meant for employment. Today I am glad that I learned its formats and how to write a good CV to show my skills,” said Ahmed, a student from the general mechanics and electricity course.

CISP under the EU funded SETS project held an employment advisory workshop for trainees from the Mohamud Ahmed Ali TVET in May 2021.

The workshop focused on the main aspects of job seeking and resume writing skills for 91 TVET graduates (52 females, 39 males).

The graduates learned how to write CVs, resumes, and cover letters, how to fill employment applications, seek employment opportunities and present in interviews.



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International Committee for the Development of Peoples