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Transforming social norms on FGM through Community - Led Dialogue


January 17, 2022 Mogadishu

“I have been cutting girls for over 10 years. I thought the FGM practice is done in accordance with religion. I used to receive small money to manage my family’s life; I never thought that it had bad consequences on the girls' health and future. When I joined the community discussions and participated in the different sessions, my mind up opened up and I realized that what I have been doing is wrong and it has no relation with religion,” said Faduma, Community Discussion Participant, TBA Group.

“This practice has been normal in the community and if the girl is not cut, her and her family are shamed. However, I have totally changed my attitude of cutting girls. I have stopped cutting girls entirely. I also want to share what I have learned from our discussions with other groups, those I know very well,” added Faduma during a district hall meeting in Dharkenley District.

Communities Care is an innovative programme developed and funded by UNICEF with the aim of #PreventingSexualViolence against women and girls in communities affected by conflict, by working with them to transform social norms that promote violence into norms that promote dignity, equality and non-violence.




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International Committee for the Development of Peoples