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CISP participates in the SBCC Summit in Marrakech

Culture and Heritage

December 08, 2022 Morocco

From the 5th to the 9th of December, CISP attended the Social Behavioural Change Communication Summit in Marrakech, Morocco. The Summit's main focus was on how we can accelerate transformational change in the critical, interconnected areas of climate crisis, gender equity, global inequality, and humanitarian action. CISP presented two case studies from Somalia during the conference.

The first presentation by Chiara Camozzi was about “Arts for Social Change as a tool to promote inclusion among marginalized groups in Somalia” within the panel: “Empowering Entertainment: ensuring no one is left behind”.











The second presentation by Rachel Litoroh was on “Effectiveness and Lessons Learnt from Scaling up Communities Care Intervention to Reduce Harmful Social Norms that Foster GBV”, as part of the panel “Addressing sexual violence: digital and community-based approaches”.


A lot of new ideas and insights on SBCC were also collected by the CISP team from other organizations present and new connections created for future partnerships.

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International Committee for the Development of Peoples