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Communities Care: Year 1 milestones


August 21, 2022 Somalia

CISP has been mentoring and supporting 10 UNICEF partners across 14 locations in Somalia, South Central, Puntland, and Somaliland, to implement the first year of the Communities Care program. 

Communities Care is an innovative programme developed and funded by UNICEF with the aim of #PreventingSexualViolence against women and girls in communities affected by conflict, by working with them to transform social norms that promote violence into norms that promote dignity, equality, and non-violence. The project aims at strengthening the capacity and commitment of communities to protect children and women from violence, exploitation, and harmful practices.

Milestone 1:

A 13-day training was organized in Mogadishu for 26 Communities Care partners across Somalia. The partner organizations that attended the training are: NAGAAD and WAAPO (Somaliland), TASS and SHILCON (Puntland), and HIWA, SEDHURO, SCWRW, NEW WAYS, CEDA, and SWDC (Southcentral).


Milestone 2:

In Mogadishu, a 13-day training on social norms change programming was conducted for 8 officials drawn from Ministry of Women and Human Rights Development both at Somalia Federal government and Federal member states (Banadir, Jubbaland, Hirshabelle, Southwest state, and Puntland).

In Somaliland 20 government officials were trained on social norms change programming for 11 days. Participants were drawn from Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs and Family (MESAF), local government, and Communities Care partners from the regions (Burcao, Borama, Erigavo, Wajaale, Salaxley, and Gabiley) where Community Care programme is currently been implemented by NAGGAD and WAAPO, Communities Care partners in Somaliland.


Milestone 3:

Successful skills transfer and capacity strengthening of local partners from 14 locations in South Central, Puntland, and Somaliland, was conducted on the research protocol and data collection procedures to enable them to successfully conduct baseline and endline surveys.

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International Committee for the Development of Peoples