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Empowering Girls Through Dignity Kits in Somalia


November 28, 2023 Galmudug

Across Somalia, girls face a multitude of challenges in accessing quality education. One such challenge is the lack of menstrual hygiene products, which can lead to feelings of shame, embarrassment, and absenteeism from school. To address this issue, CISP, through its SETS II project co-funded by the European Union and with the support of Otto per Mille of the Waldensian Church of Italy has distributed dignity kits to schools in Abdullahi Issue, Al-Sha'ab, General Aidid, Hawlwadag, and Hobyo in Galmudug State.

These dignity kits, packed with essential menstrual hygiene products, have had a profound impact on the lives of girls and young women in these communities. By providing them with the means to manage their menstrual cycles with dignity and privacy, the kits have empowered girls to attend school regularly, participate fully in their education, and focus on their studies without fear of embarrassment or interruption.

The impact of this initiative is evident in the words of Mr. Abdirahm, a head teacher at Abdullahi Isse School: “Distributing dignity kits in schools created a supportive environment where girls can focus on their education without worrying about their menstrual needs. This was a need in the school. It's a small but significant step towards achieving gender equality and promoting inclusive education for all. Thanks to CISP for the distribution of these kits.”

Mr. Botan, headteacher of Hawalwadag school in Abudwaq, echoed this sentiment: “The provision of dignity kits in schools has been transformative for our female students. It ensures that they have access to essential menstrual hygiene products, enabling them to attend school regularly and participate fully in their education. We have a female teacher who deals with all these issues related to our girls in the school. It is a matter of dignity and equality.”

The distribution of dignity kits goes beyond simply providing physical necessities. It also plays a crucial role in breaking down the taboos and stigma surrounding menstruation, fostering open conversations about reproductive health, and creating a supportive school community where girls feel empowered and respected.

As Mohamed Mustaf, a Senior Education officer for CISP in Galmudug, aptly stated: “The provision of dignity kits not only addresses the physical needs of the students but also helps break down the taboos and stigma surrounding menstruation. The provision of dignity kits also improves girls' attendance and confidence as well as overall classroom management. We aim at creating a safe and open space for conversations about reproductive health and fostering a supportive school community.”

Through the distribution of dignity kits, CISP is paving the way for a more equitable and inclusive education system in Somalia, one where girls have the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential. This initiative is a testament to the power of small interventions to make a big difference in the lives of marginalized communities.

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International Committee for the Development of Peoples