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It is never too late to learn


January 19, 2019 Mogadishu

Mama Batulo is 60 years old. She has never been to school and she didn’t get any free education in her childhood. She lives in Waberi district in Mogadishu.  Mama Batulo had a dream: to have the opportunity to go to school and learn. Today her dream came true since she was among 120 women selected for Non-formal education (NFE) at Mohamud Mire Primary School under SETS Project - funded by EU and Implemented by CISP. 

At my childhood, I did not get chance to go to the school and learn. Today at the age of 60, I got the chance to sit in a class for free, I learned Somali language and Mathematics. Today after I have attended a literacy and numeracy class at Mohamud Mire School supported by CISP, I can write and read Somali language, I am also able to do the calculation of basic mathematics. Even though I am a grandmother, I still have expectation to continue my learning and I am on the way to escape from ignorance to lightening life. No one is too old to learn, and I believe that I will gain more knowledge and other opportunity”.

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International Committee for the Development of Peoples