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Mogadishu young artists hold first exhibition in Nairobi

Culture and Heritage

April 12, 2021 Nairobi

On Thursday 11th March the first cohort of Artxchange participants held their first ever exhibition at the Go Down Arts Centre in Nairobi to showcase their work after a 4 week long mentorship, networking and partnership visit. The exhibition was part of the EU co-founded project ArtXchange: connecting creative youth in Africa and Europe, and part of the wider AU-EU Youth Hub Initiative.

“The one-on-one sessions with my facilitators were so eye-opening and insightful. I have learned so much and I am so inspired especially by the session with Wangari of Peperuka world. She made me realize my potential” said Omar Yusuf, a graphic designer and participant.

The artists visited arts and cultural centres such as the Circle Art Gallery, the Kobo Trust Foundation, Awajama Cultural Centre and Kuona Artists Collective. They also received mentorship from renowned art experts from various fields including photographers James Muriuki and Mutua Matheka, graffiti artist Moha Grafix, painters Shabu Mwangi and Patrick Mukabi among many others.

“I usually use paint, pencils, charcoal or whatever medium I feel will look best for my pieces, but through the practical trainings at GoDown Arts Center I have gotten to discover new mediums and techniques such as using the pallet knife to paint. I am really enjoying this” said Abdirahman Siyad, a visual artist and programme participant.

The exhibition was attended by artists, facilitators and select gallery owners from Nairobi in partnership with the Go Down Arts Centre. 

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International Committee for the Development of Peoples