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Photovoice workshop

Culture and Heritage

March 25, 2019 Mogadishu

In March 2019, 11 participants were given the opportunity to participate in a photography workshop using Photovoice methodology, organized by CISP under the EU funded project “Promoting a culture of inclusion in Somalia”. They were engaged into a critical and reflective perspective on inclusion/exclusion in their society, through photography. Composed of a majority of IDP’s, from minority clan members (Bantus) and of women, this group from the beginning showed a common experience of exclusion and strong resilience. Important themes affecting them and the Somali society were shared, such as marginalization, lack of education, unemployment, life as an IDP, belonging and identity, poverty, women’s role, insecurity, clanism, civic responsibility and dominance amongst others.

The participants have been given a camera and for 2 weeks they could take pictures related to inclusion and exclusion in their neighbourhood. A selection of best pictures and messages was done and the participants could present their works to the rest of the group. Next step will be to share the selected photos and messages to the communities and the wider public. The participants will propose ideas on  how do it and Cisp will support them in realizing it.

 “I’m an IDP , I’m 55 years old, I’m a woman.  I have never thought in my all life about voicing my grievances. A lot of ideas are coming to my mind. We are always moving from our place to another and people doesn’t care about us. When we will show these photos outside, maybe they will change”.
Sifoon, IDP, Mogadishu.

Before this workshop I’ve never thought that I was old enough to express myself. I thought I was a young person like a child who has no voice, but now I understand that I’m a grown up and I can express myself, that I can tell people about my issues, that I can do something for my country”.
Yasmin, IDP, Mogadishu.

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International Committee for the Development of Peoples