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Providing TVET training to reduce unemployment


January 27, 2021 Mogadishu

Strengthening Education and Training in Somalia (SETS) project is an EU funded project running in the South and Central regions of Somalia that started in November 2017 and is implemented by a consortium led by ADRA and consortium members WVI, RI, CISP, and ARC. The overall objective of the project is to expand education and training opportunities contributing to poverty reduction within a peaceful, secure and democratic Somalia; particularly, quality education and vocational training services efficiently delivered to the target populations in the South-central regions. CISP is implementing the program in 'Galmudug and Bandar Regions of Somalia. 

Mohamud Ahmed Ali TVET Center is the only public TVET center currently operating in Banadir region; it is constructed by CISP under the ELENA project which was funded by the EU.  Currently, the center is supported by CISP under the SETS project. A total of 132 youth trainees graduated and completed 6-month courses on different skills including: General Mechanic, Building / construction, Electricity, Tailoring and Beauty Salon. 76 of them are male while 56 others are female trainees. The center targets the most vulnerable unemployed youth such as IDPs, returnees, ex-militia, minorities, and vulnerable host communities. The purpose of the skills training is to help trained youth engage in decent employment activities and other life skills such as: self-management, adaptation to evolving economic environment in Somalia, creative thinking, problem solving, and understanding the business environment of the trade / skill they have learnt.

Currently, a total 103 trainees are enrolled and undertaking skills training at the center; 46 of trainees are male while 57 of them are female. The trainees attend the classes 5 days per week (Saturday - Wednesday) for four hours per day.

Mr. Mowlid, 29, become one of 103 youth who joined the Mohamud Ahmed Ali TVET Center in Mogadishu on 1st September 2020. Mowlid has spent most his life in Saudi Arabia with his family when the civil-war broke out in Somalia. A year ago, Mowlid's family decided to go back to their motherland because the Saudi Arabia government introduced additional rules and regulations against foreigners. When the family came back to Mogadishu; Mowlid heard about the free vocational skills training provided at Mohamud Ahmed Ali TVET Center through Local Karaan District Administration and enrolled for the General Mechanic course. "I am very grateful for this opportunity to be provided fee waivered general mechanic training which has been my passion and I am determined to complete the course and engage in employment and be the breadwinner for my family, ”said Mowlid.

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International Committee for the Development of Peoples