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Shibis Health Center restoring nutrition to young children

Health and Nutrition

April 19, 2021 Shibis

“I have been coming to Shibis Health Center for two years. Here I receive food ration for my child every month. It is a useful nutrition supplement that my child needs to grow up well. This service will improve my child’s health because as a family, we are not able to select high-quality food that is very expensive” said Ms. Deko Ali a mother of 4 attending the monthly therapeutic food distributions.

“The center has given me valuable advice about to how to take care of myself during my pregnancy. I have also gained nutritional knowledge which is excellent and has really helped me feel more positive about my health,” said Fadumo Ahmed, a pregnant mother of 6. She is from vulnerable host community and lives in Jardinka Village in Shibis district.

The Shibis Health Centre is supported by CISP in partnership with the World Food Programme to contribute to the reduction of morbidity and mortality associated with acute malnutrition in children aged 6-59 months and pregnant & lactating mothers through the management of moderate acute malnutrition, and to prevent further deterioration in affected households’ food security through distribution of family/protection rations.

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