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Skills Training Management, Quality Control and Innovation


January 27, 2021 Mogadishu

CISP in close collaboration with the Ministry of education, culture, and higher education of Somalia conducted a Skills Management, Quality Control, and Innovation Training for CSDC Managers and trainers in Benadir on 11-13th January 2021. The three-day training workshop was conducted on three on-consecutive days.

17 Participants (6 females, 11 males) attended the training under the Strengthening Education Training in Somalia- SETS Project which is an EU-funded project that is implemented in Somalia by a consortium of ADRA, CISP, ARC, WVI, and Relief International. 

Skills Training Management, Quality Control and Innovation Training for CSDC Managers and Trainers in Banadir targeted community skills development center managers and trainers, it was also utilized by three ministry staffs from TVET and NFE department of MOECHE and project staffs. The purpose of the training was to strengthen the capacity of the CSDC managers and trainers in order to effectively manage, innovate and control the quality of the skills trainings.

TVET and NFE department director of MOECHE, Mr. Abdiaziz officially opened the training and thanked the participants for attending and encouraged them to participate in the training effectively and utilize the opportunity well. You are doing noble work because these centers contribute to reducing the unemployment rate in the community; promote the employment opportunity for women in the community, ”said the director of TVET and NFE department.  

"The training gave us an opportunity to learn a lot of things, for example, how to prepare action plans. When I go back to the center I will apply all the training methods, I will share with our team all the resources we gained from the training. I would only recommend extending the duration of the training. "Said one participant

There were several facilitation techniques used by the trainer which included question and answer, brainstorming, group discussions, and practical implementation of some of the topics by trainees on flip charts and paper sheets. A multitude of training methodologies were utilized in order to make sure all the participants understand the whole concept and they practice what they learn because only listening to the trainers can be forgotten, but what the trainees do by themselves they will never forget.

“The training was really useful for our work. We have gained so many useful themes which are so important to our management. I was really interested in how to develop supportive Gender-Responsive School Management Systems with a meaningful learning experience, ”said Mandek from Mama Fatima Tie and dye Center.

"I learned good things from the training. I was interested in child protection, and forms and mitigation of child abuse, ”said Fatima.

The training was conducted successfully with all the participants taking an active part in all three days of the training.




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