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The journey of nursing new mothers in Shibis: Farhiyas' story

Health and Nutrition

September 21, 2021 Shibis

“I don't get tired helping mothers. I come to this clinic every morning. I look forward to seeing my patients every day. It is like I am part of their family, and their babies are like mine too. I am taking part in the growth and wellbeing of their families.

The most rewarding part of my job is the relationship I build with every mother. She comes here when she is pregnant and stays with us until she gives birth. Then you help her raise the child and make sure the child doesn't get malnourished. It's a whole cycle of closeness and care. You see the mother breastfeeding and giving the child nutritious supplement. We know how a mother is feeling when she is pregnant, when she is going through child birth and when she is breastfeeding. For me and other colleagues here, it gives us joy and makes us happy to see healthy mothers with healthy babies. It lifts our spirits to be here every morning. We feel we are doing something good. I am getting goose bumps just talking about how rewarding this has been for me. I am really grateful. " Farhiya Hassan, a Targeted Supplementary Feeding Programme (TSFP) Supervisor at the Shibis Mother and Child Clinic. 

The Targeted Supplementary Feeding Program is funded by the World Food Program and implemented by CISP to treat mild-to-moderate acute malnutrition in children aged 6-59 months, and in pregnant and lactating women as well.

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International Committee for the Development of Peoples