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TOT training for UNICEF Communities Care implementing partners


October 27, 2021 Mogadishu

CISP in collaboration with John Hopkins University (JHU) conducted a TOT training for UNICEF implementing partners of Communities Care Program in Mogadishu.

“It's my first time attending such a training and I have really benefited from it, especially learning about implementation processes. We have learned a lot about working plans, selection and training of Community Discussion Leaders (CDLS), baseline and end-line surveys, selection of community participants, and conducting community discussions sessions, filling monitoring and supervision tools, conducting data collection and data entry and so much more ”” said Mohamed Gaas, from WAAPO NGO, in Hergeisa Somaliland.

A total of 26 participants comprising of staff from implementing partner organizations were trained on social norms, sexual violence, self-awareness, facilitating community discussions and how to use the UNICEF Community Care Toolkits. The Communities Care project is funded by UNICEF Somalia and implemented by SWDC, CEDA, HIWA, SCWRW, SEDHURO, New ways, TASS, SHILCON, NAGAAD and WAAPO. 

"This is the most useful program in our area. It is protecting women and girls. It will give the opportunity to women who have experienced sexual violence to seek services and will also help us support them by pointing out our service mapping, ”added Mr. Gaas.

Participants felt that the 6 steps to change are a unique and important way to question and improve the quality of the current service delivery and prevention mechanisms. Strengthening the services at the MCHs and health centers will definitely make GBV survivors seek services and report cases.

“It was also a great opportunity to meet and get to know each other as we are from different areas and have different experiences. We are now a Communities Care family committed to the mission, and we even have a WhatsApp group where we share our learnings and day-to-day activities, "said Ms Jawahir Said Nor from Shilkon NGO, Puntland State.

The Communitie Care program aims to create safer communities for women and girls by transforming harmful social norms that contribute to sexual violence into social norms that uphold women and girls' equality, safety, and dignity.

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International Committee for the Development of Peoples